I have written so few family updates this year I am embarrassed it is the end of another year in Canada and our life is a mystery to so many people we love around the world. It is no joke that the years fly by faster as you get older, and especially as kids get bigger, taller, busier and full of the joys of teenagedom. I’m not sure how we’ve arrived at this stage already, but we now have a teenager in the house, and another not very far off! So let me give you a recap of what has been a very eventful year, with some wonderful highs and thankfully not too many lows.
After 2 full years in Canada we were finally able to get back to South Africa in March this year! It was chaotic and joyful, full of laughter at all the things we’ve all been through in the last 2 years, but also full of tears – catching up after 2 emotionally hard years of missing our people back home in SA. Three weeks wasn’t close to enough time to see everyone we love, even though we tried our best to zoom around the country fitting in breakfasts, lunches and dinners with all our peeps. Leaving was even harder this time than it was when we left in February 2020 – I think I ‘ugly-cried’ solidly for 2 hours in the plane after saying good-bye to the family. My teary-ness at every opportunity is something I’m having to embrace as I rocket into middle-age. Not only do I cry for sad things, but I am also now incredibly capable of crying at any and all events, much to my children’s chagrin. So, with that said, I’m now going to drink a glass of wine while I write about my children’s considerable talents and have a good cry about how lucky I am. Read More